Quality Policy and Environmental Policy
The company's management is committed to long-term pursuit of the vision and achievement of set goals, which are also based on achieving quality and environmental protection. Our principle is to ensure continuous and sustainable customer satisfaction with the offering of high-quality products and services, as well as socially responsible operations while involving all employees simultaneously.
We aim to achieve our mission and vision through:
- Meeting customer expectations and requirements and ensuring customer satisfaction
- Continuous improvement of product quality
- Business efficiency aimed at achieving set goals
- Professionalism and competency, as well as motivation of all employees
- Risk and opportunity management
- Effective supplier management
- Utilization of environmentally friendly processes and continuous improvement of our technology for the protection of employees' safety and health at work
- Efforts towards preserving and improving the environment by reducing waste and increasing energy efficiency with renewable energy sources
- Environmental awareness among employees
- Satisfaction of employees, suppliers, owners, and the social environment
- Commitment to meeting legal and other requirements
- Continuous improvement of business processes and quality and environmental management processes
All employees are familiar with the quality policy, which is also accessible to all interested parties. Employees are committed to fulfilling, implementing, and improving the quality and environmental management system, as outlined in the quality manual.
The commitment to quality in the company is measured by customer satisfaction with our products and services, as we understand that excellent results enable job stability and further development.
We ensure the achievement and maintenance of the quality system through regular review and monitoring of its operation by the management. Any deviations are analyzed, and corrective actions are taken.
Date: 25.04.2024
Peter Hojak